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Learning to play an instrument online

Adan Barrera

The Barreras found family harmony by jamming together! Christmas gift guitars started weekend practice, then online lessons added polish. Learning music not just fun, it brought them closer than ever!

Many people across the world are interested in learning a new skill such as playing a musical instrument. However, the obstacle that gets in the way is finding the time to do so. My name is Adan Barrera, and my family has started a music group. We first began during Christmas break because my brother and I received an electric guitar as a gift. Every Saturday morning, we continue to practice and improve our instrumental skills.


Back then, my family struggled to find the time to practice because my father works many hours during the weekdays. Not to mention, my brother and I attend school online so we are always busy during the week. In the end, my father suggested we practice only during the weekends because these are the only days where we take time off.

Last month, my mother bought me and my brother guitar lessons through TakeLessons. Every Thursday morning, my brother and I meet with our instructor via webcam. He teaches us a new lesson through each visit, which is a convenient method to learn a new skill at home.


Next, we all have to teach and learn from each other on our own. This was a big challenge at first, but we worked together to maintain rhythm. We even use a metronome to stay synchronized during practice. Eventually, our jam sessions became one of the most pleasurable family experiences.


It is always exciting to come together and play music with my family, and it all began by playing Christmas music during the winter break. Learning to play a musical instrument is not only an educational experience, but it also brought our family even closer than ever before.

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